Drama Chat The Slow Burn » Dramabeans Korean Drama Recaps

pShe takes Hoon-dong to the party instead, both of them feeling the sting of rejection. Jang-mi is sure that Hoon-dong was about to say something important, and Ki-tae chides her for caving so easily at one apology. He reminds her not to get caught showing her true feelings if she wants to maintain her pond. But when the cop explains that the ajusshi is here because he repeatedly groped a woman, Jang-mi cries in realization, “Ah, I see… I’m a stalker! She wails and then suddenly asks the officer to find a person for her—the mom who invited her over acting like Hoon-dong’s mom, only she wasn’t his mom at all. She asks why someone would do that, and decides she’d like to meet her and find out./p
h2Stocking stuffers for the drama addict [Year in Review, Part 2]/h2
pMom took her out before Dad answered. I think little kid KT wanted to hear what Bad Dad had to say to weasel out of her heated spot light. I’m really looking forward to learning more about these characters and their motivations, especially for the side characters like YeoReum and HyunHee. Except for HoonDong and his mother, the characters all seem to have a lot of depths left to plumb./p
pKi-tae arrives at the chicken shop but finds a sign posted saying that they’ll be closed temporarily. Meanwhile Jang-mi brings one last order of chicken to the park in hopes of finding the man who’s been ordering ten a day. She gives him the chicken and says it’s to thank him before they close the shop for a while, and the man finally tells her the truth about Ki-tae’s secret chicken orders. The problem with filling your day with trying to forget the person you love… is that you spend all day thinking about the person you love. It’s an episode spent in denial, but in the cute way where everyone runs around doing adorable things for each other in secret. I don’t see why you couldn’t just take credit for your good deed and be rewarded with kisses, but I guess that takes the nobility out of it?/p
pAnyway, they made a delightful OTP that I shall remember fondly for a long time. Such a big fan of both leads and it was so refreshing to see a mother-in-law who was not pure evil just to supply a drama with a stock villain. Overall I enjoyed this drama even if some a href=https://legitdatingsites.com/https://legitdatingsites.com//a of my love for it at the beginning wore off towards the end. It’s still one of the best rom-coms of 2014 for me and I will put it on my repeat list for rainy days. While they talk, Ki-tae accidentally finds the envelope of postcards from Dad and swipes them./p
pI can’t wait to see where they go from here. I’m loving this show because the characters are so fun to watch. Gi Tae’s actions may be embarassing but her sincerity is believable and heartbreaking that you’ll end up rooting for her. And her spunkiness makes her loveable./p
h2Actors in dramaland: Overcoming a bad first impression/h2
pI’ll be back to squee amp; thoughts about that episode then. Jang-mi sighs to see Ki-tae mingling with the other doctors and looking good by Se-ah’s side, but then she perks up when Yeo-reum arrives wearing the suit she picked out. Ha, I love that he always enters a room to a dedicated power strut theme song. He’s surrounded by girls the second he walks in, but he smiles and waves back at Jang-mi… only to walk right past her and go straight to Se-ah, who’s waving at him behind her. Jang-mi sighs that even Yeo-reum belonged to a different farm altogether./p
pI just realized that all the female contestants are very straightforward, but in different ways. And it makes me respect them all and kind of like them all. Even Tae Mi, because though girl is shallow, she knows it and doesn’t hide it. She’s not trying to manipulate Chef, she’s straight up you would be great for my image, and I’d be great for yours. He said in an interview once that his weight goes up and down a lot so I am not worried. Actor Joo Won revealed his friendship with Im Yoon Ho and 2PM’s Chansung./p
Really, many a times, people who are hurt simply wants a REASON. Then typically, in dramaland or in real life, the typical response will be ‘Everything is too complicated to explain and it will take egos to explain.’
I laugh. This is simply an excuse to just leave that person as it is without any explanation for your actions. Even if mum did something wrong in the past, like maybe neglecting dad too much, it is just wrong to betray her and have another woman OPENLY outside. That line ‘ I want a reason.’ when asked what can he do for her is so heartbreaking. Wether that happens or not, we know hey’ll most definitely end up together./p
pI loved the time the prince took to appreciate his wife. I enjoy watching marriage lovely marriage moments dramabeans and moments they would have to deal with the parents. This is eng mine better eng i expected./p

pCut away to Jang Mi who is singing along to Lee Seung Gi’s classic song, Will You Marry Me. She is in high spirits while she pretties herself up (as if that’s really necessary, the girl’s gorgeous) and decks out her hotel room with candles, heart shaped balloons and rose petals. The male lead to this little surprise she’s putting on isn’t there yet so she makes a phone call. It’s about travelling that same journey with the OTP and the well-earned payoff. That satisfaction is way better than a swoony love-at-first-sight story./p
pDoes Come and Hug me count as slow burn? It was dreary and depressing but i loved it and the happy ending made up for all the suffering. This sounds totally fluffy and mindless./p
pAnd the main secret how to enjoy it – is not take it too serious, because otherwise some things are really ridiculous. Like Gi Tae’s mom coming to her work place and asking her to give her some time. The girl is working, has a supervisor and obligations! Would that momhave done the same if Jang Mi have been for example a pilot or a surgeon?/p
pKi Tae finds out that his aunt and mom are out to get him for a blind date they set up that night. Forget friendship, now it’s everyman for himself. Jang Mi tries to ask him about Hoon Dong but Gi Tae is in too much of a hurry to deal with this. He finally says that she’s pathetic and that it’s over./p