How Do People With BPD Act In Relationships?

pTrauma, particularly childhood abuse, seems to be one of the contributing factors to the development of symptoms, as well as genetics and brain differences. However, clinical practice and literature have acknowledged it’s a common concern for both people with BPD and their partners. The BPD relationship cycle isn’t a formal symptom of the condition. There’s also limited research on it. Cranie explains intense episodes of anxiety, depression, and anger may only last several hours and are then followed by a more emotionally stable period. If the relationship doesn’t end, and you solve the challenges, they may also restart the cycle./p
h2Things Not To Do With Someone With Borderline Personality/h2
pI removed everything of value to me from the house and arranged for two months. Then one day in her tirades as she tried to attack me physically because I found out she was paying her ex boyfriends rent, i poured a drink to her face and bailed. She was mad and text me that she was going to burn all my stuff. It was phone calls and lawyers from there. It’s a painful thing to be in a BPD relationship as well as get out of one, but I made it out unscathed and without PTSD or anything./p
pThe comment you made regarding red flags and gut feeling is spot on. I knew this chick was fucking insane by the end of the first date but since we reconnected from our fling I figured I would hit n’ quit…. I know what thoughts come to my mind when I get pissed – the last time was when someone nicked my phone. The thing is, normal people can regulate it or avoid getting that upset./p
h3Remember That Managing BPD Takes Time/h3
pThey may evidence your partner’s difficulty regulating emotions and their persistently unstable self-image. It’s a misconception that all people with BPD are attention seekers. They’re not your partner’s attempt to sabotage your relationship. Your partner living with BPD might try to suddenly explain everything as a last effort to save the bond. These tests can result in arguments and can be seen by your partner as a way of fighting for the relationship./p
pShe won’t mind killing you herself if she feels she cannot deal with the pain of you walking away. Their tendency to remember everything negative about you that upset them is extraordinary. They can remember your list of sins in a way the book-keeping a href= gentry/a angels aren’t capable of. With every offence, that book of sins is recited all over from the beginning, with the new entries. BPD women literally, and I say literally, re-live each and every one of those moments as they think about them./p
pBut it wasn’t about me being pleased. Matters took a wrong turn when I didn’t immediately broadcast it to my circle on Facebook or to the people who called me and wished me. And so on MY birthday, I ended up spending an hour apologizing to her for not recognizing her efforts and getting her enough appreciation and my birthday became all about her than me./p
pImagining those perfect moments you once had. At first, you’ll tell yourself she’s making a mistake… She won’t be, you’ll grow angry/jealous at the first sight of her new lover. You’ll be looking at what you once used to have with her. You’ll grow to hate yourself, thinking you fucked up because she convinced you were the reason things ended. But don’t worry, after the physical rage, the tantrums, the gaslighting./p

pTheir emotions work like most people’s thoughts – lots of mental chatter – only thoughts IMHO are serial in nature. BPD women cannot understand the concept of boundaries, and they don’t take to it very well. They have a fierce desire to be included all the time. It makes them very clingy and obsessively possessive. They want inclusion extremely badly./p
pSome of them even claim to have out of body experiences – they can see their body, but not control it. Their nervous system goes out of control. Till date I have no idea if her blackouts were real or faked. It got worse, as she suddenly began to make weird animal noises – growling, screeching, hissing, spitting, scratching. I was terrified and tried to snap her out by splashing some water over her./p
pI should have left after the lease on our first apartment ended. Hell, I was going to until she convinced me that she’d be better and we’ll get a 2 bedroom so we could separate if our arguments got bad. All the while she’d be texting ex’s or ‘just talking’ to guys on Tinder, as I later found out. She started fights and loved to argue. Could start in the evening and end like 6 hours later when I managed to appease her somehow. I would often fall asleep while she was harrassing me, which angered her even more./p
pWhatever happens next follow similar pattern. There is really not that many ways to bring somebody down. I recommend everyone to read some books on these. It literally can save your life that knowledge. These fundamental aspects of human personality are totally independent of culture, region or race./p
pOften the pros of prescribing antidepressants or other mental health drugs out weighs the risk of their side effects. So you agree me that non-medical modalities are better in treading spiritual motion I refer to depression as like a train slowing down because there’s not enough coal in the person. Some outrageous cases aside, BPD and a RP man are a match made in heaven once you identify her as a true BPD that missed out on the infant-mother bonding. If you have a brain, a dominant nature and a pair of balls you can can restore normalcy- and sanity – in your home./p

pWell I’m trying to figure out why some things in my relationship with my ex went the way they did. He was diagnosed with ADD when he was about 6, but wasn’t on meds for that for very long. He has been on anti-depressants since High School.. But honestly, I think there’s something else wrong./p